牌語備忘録 -pygo


牌語備忘録 -pygo


元は『http://www.python.jp/doc/release/tut/tut.html』の『4. その他の制御フローツール4.7.2 キーワード引数4.7.4 引数リストのアンパック』から。


word01 = "Half of earth Federales fleet disappeared in space by my so lah lei now."
word02 = "This brightness is proof of justice of we zeon."
word03 = "It's already a ruin so that the earth federation war potential that received a coup de grace is left."
word04 = "I will say daringly! When it is refuse!!"

def zeon(czar, *word, **ms):
     yield "<character> %s" % czar
     for w in word:
          yield '%s: "%s"' % (czar, w)
     yield "\nMOBILE SUIT of ZEON ------------------------------"
     for m, p in ms.iteritems():
          yield "%s (model number:%s)" % (m,p)
print "\n".join(
     list(zeon("Gihren Zabi",
               word01, word02, word03, word04,
               ZAKU = "MS-05",
               ZAKU_II = "MS-06",
               GOUF = "MS-07",
               DOM = "MS-09",
               ACGUY = "MSM-04",
               ZGOK = "MSM-07",
               GYAN = "YMS-15",
               GELGOOG = "MS-14",
               ZEONG = "MSN-02",

Gihren Zabi
Gihren Zabi: "Half of earth Federales fleet disappeared in space by my so lah lei now."
Gihren Zabi: "This brightness is proof of justice of we zeon."
Gihren Zabi: "It's already a ruin so that the earth federation war potential that received a coup de grace is left."
Gihren Zabi: "I will say daringly! When it is refuse!!"

MOBILE SUIT of ZEON ------------------------------
ZAKU (model number:MS-05)
GYAN (model number:YMS-15)
DOM (model number:MS-09)
ZGOK (model number:MSM-07)
ZAKU_II (model number:MS-06)
ZEONG (model number:MSN-02)
GOUF (model number:MS-07)
ACGUY (model number:MSM-04)
GELGOOG (model number:MS-14)





Half of earth Federales fleet disappeared in space by my so lah lei now. This brightness is proof of justice of we dione. It is already a ruin so that the earth federation war potential that received a coup de grace is left. I will say daringly! When it is refuse

英訳をお願いします。「今や地球連邦軍艦隊の半数が我がソーラレイによ... - Yahoo!知恵袋


Category:ジオン公国の機動兵器 - Wikipedia